How much will it cost me to use your services to collect a debt?

If the debt is Business to Business, then we can collect at no cost to you at all. Under UK Legislation, we charge the debtor.

If the debt is Business to Consumer, or we can’t legally charge the debtor, then we charge you a commission on the total amount of monies recovered (minimum charge of £25 + VAT). If we don’t manage to collect the debt, you pay us nothing.

Is it worth it? I mean how successful are you?

We successfully collect over 90% of all valid commercial debts we are asked to recover, in full.

I’ve not tried to chase the debt because I don’t know how to. Do I have to do something before you’ll take it on?

No. We can begin recovery as soon as the debt is overdue. We will always ensure that your relationship with your client is maintained so that you can continue to do business in the future, should you wish to.

Do you go round to the debtors and take goods away if they don’t pay?

Expert Collections don’t take such action, but we can organise this. That is the job of a Bailiff / High Court Enforcement Officer and would happen much further down the recovery process if it became necessary after obtaining a court judgment. You don’t have to take that action at all if you don’t want to. We work by communicating with the debtor in a professional and clear way so that they know what will happen next if they don’t pay.

Can you become an extension of my business and collect debts for me as soon as they become overdue?

We can yes. We would always advise you to contact us and for us to have a chat about your credit control model, if you have one. We can help you to put straightforward and simple processes in place to make the collection process easier.

Do I have to be a Limited company for you to be able to collect a debt for me?

No, you don’t. We can help any business including those who are self-employed/a sole trader.

My accountant says I need to get a solicitor and take the debtor to court, do I have to?

You certainly don’t need to pay solicitors’ fees even if you do end up taking the debtor to court. We will investigate the debtor and advise you whether taking court action is worthwhile. Much of our investigations are at zero cost to you, and where we do have to undertake paid searches, we simply ask you to reimburse that cost to us. Once we know the debtor’s circumstances, we will work through the options available to you to recover the debt and be there every step of the way.

I’ve got a court judgment against by debtor but they’re still not paying. What do I do next?

Talk to us. We can look at what assets the debtor has and advise you on which enforcement option open to you is best for you to take. Unfortunately, any enforcement option will have fees associated and so its very important for you to know whether you are likely to recover the debt before you pay out more money.

Other debt collection agencies charge up to 20% of the money they recover. Why do you say you can do it at zero cost?

It’s what makes us unique. Generally, the higher commission rate an agency charges the less effective they are.

We don’t believe you should have to pay us money which is owed to you for services/goods you have already provided. You deserve the full amount you are owed, and we treat your money as if were our money.

UK Legislation allows us to add late payment fees onto your invoices. We then retain that as our fee and pay you the full amount you are owed the same day cleared funds are received into our bank account.

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